About us

We started Panovo in december


with a firm and clear idea:

to simplify the baker's job.

frozen pre cooked bread

It filled us with pride to see a cutting edge technology factory with the highest quality ingredients.

frozen pan dulce mexico

The smell of freshly

baked bread

reminded us our reason for being, to bring bread to every corner so that the flavors would be enjoyed by people not only from Mexico, but also around the world.

Our products are consumed in

United States

and South America.

bread ready to eat

Time is

wise and gives us

experience to continue growing, life put in front of us an interesting challenge, reminding us that what is good can always be better.

The year 2020 has marked

a before

and after

in the history of PANOVO


Today's PANOVO follows its passions,

reminding us day after day of our dream, to share the experience and taste of a delicious piece of bread.

frozen bread factory